Thursday, April 30, 2015

Liberty Heads Up! April 30th, 2015

Liberty Heads Up! 
April 30, 2015
Teacher Appreciation week is next week!!! 
Feel free to celebrate your teachers and tutors in any way you would like. We will be celebrating with a special breakfast Tuesday morning. Details are forthcoming.
Liberty Kids Rock the Science Fair!!! 

Sign up for the City Market Card Community Rewards Program
The Liberty School participates in City Market's Electronic Fundraising Program! When you use your City Market Value Card, The Liberty School receives a donation from City Market based on the total purchases made with your card every quarter. We hope you will take advantage of this convenient way to contribute to Liberty year-round. Best of all, participation in this program doesn't cost you a dime nor take away from the accumulation of your City Market points! Click here to enroll!

5/4 thru 5/8

Monday, May 4
Remember to meet at Miller Middle School for art and music.
The Outdoor Pursuits Group will be at Rec Center. Bring towels and swimsuits!!

Tuesday, May 5
Drama ends at 4:45, pick up 4:50
Teacher Appreciation Day! 

Friday, May 8
Pizza Day: $3.00 for Pizza and a Drink!!


May 6th - 8th
Year-end testing will be held each day. Please make sure your child is well fed and well rested. Also, sending extra snacks for your child is very helpful:)

May 15th-17th
End of the year camping trip is coming up soon at McPhee Reservoir. Details to follow very soon. 

May 29th
Ms. Pam's end of the year party and sleepover!! Ms. Pam will email details closer to the date.

After-School Gifted Enrichment is a success!!
Our Gifted Enrichment program is a great success, it is wonderful to see kids from all over our community benefiting from our programs. We still have a few spaces in Photography and Engineering  classes. All Liberty School students may take one class free of charge!! Please share our program with families that you know may be interested. Scholarships are available!

Reading Buddies
Our reading program is growing with new volunteers!! Our goal is that every child get to read with one volunteer. We are getting close but we can still use more Reading Buddies to volunteer for our Oral Fluency Program. Please tell your family, friends, and neighbors we would LOVE to have them help our students practice their oral fluency skills by reading to a volunteer. They can come any time Tuesday through Friday from 12:25-12:50. It's a unique opportunity to help our kiddos strengthen their reading skills. Please contact The Liberty School and speak with Heidi if you have any questions or want to volunteer.

Help us show the world what a unique and terrific school community we have by going to www.greatschools.organd sharing your Liberty experiences! (Note: This link will take you directly to our school's page on this site.)

You can now make your Liberty Payments or Donations Online! 
To make payments or donations, please check out our new online portal by visiting our Website at Then, select the top, right button entitled, "Purchase, Pay, or Donate". You can register and follow the online instructions from there. 

Use Amazon.Smile for Your Shopping this Mother's Day & Liberty wins!
It's easy and it really helps support our school. Every time you use 
when purchasing products from Amazon, you will still get the same great Amazon pricing and functionality, and The Liberty School receives an automatic donation.  

Sign up for the City Market Card Community Rewards Program
The Liberty School participates in City Market's Electronic Fundraising Program! When you use your City Market Value Card, The Liberty School receives a donation from City Market based on the total purchases made with your card every quarter. We hope you will take advantage of this convenient way to contribute to Liberty year-round. Best of all, participation in this program doesn't cost you a dime nor take away from the accumulation of your City Market points!