Each week, we profile individual students who contribute to making the Liberty School such an amazing place to learn and grow!
Favorite Book: Mind Craft Handbook
Favorite Movie: “The Lego Movie” the most epic movie in the world!
To me, the scariest animal on earth is….
Honey Badger. The look on their face says, “Keep away from me or I will rip you to pieces”!
The breakfast meal that best describes me is….
Flapjacks. I eat them almost every single morning.
Greatest success in life so far is…..
Running the Slick Rock trail, which is 10 miles.
Would you rather visit the moon or the ocean floor?
The Moon, because zero gravity and the jet pack especially!
3 words that describe Liberty School…
fun, awesome, awesome
Do you have a favorite subject/class at Liberty?
I like everything because it is very fun, fun, fun.
What would you tell a student considering the Liberty School?
It’s the most awesome school in the Universe. You should come because it will help your education. There's lots of older kids and tutors. If you are dyslexic you should come to it.
Do you like/enjoy school?
Yes, yes I like school. I like the teachers.
Yes, yes I like school. I like the teachers.