Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday's Faces- Alyce 2-20-15

Each week, we profile individual students who contribute to making the Liberty School such an amazing place to learn and grow! 

Name: Alyce

Grade: 2nd

Favorite Book: One, two, and three, a book about numbers.

Favorite Movie: “Big Hero Six”

Favorite Color: purple

To me, the scariest animal on earth is…. 

The breakfast meal that best describes me is…. Chinese meat and noodles

Greatest success in life so far is….. 

Greatest Challenge in life so far is…. 

Mountains, river or desert? 

What color best exemplifies my personality? 
Purple, ha, ha.

Where do I want to live when I grow up? 
Florida because of the snap turtles.

If I had a million dollars, I would…. 
Buy a farm with horses.

Favorite subject in school….why? 
Art because it is awesome.

What animal (real or imaginary) best represents/embodies the Liberty School? 
A unicorn Pegasus.